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Aginsky-Buryat National Okrug

The Àginsky Buryat-Mongolian National Okrug was created in 1937 on the basis of the Aginsky Aimak of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and then was handed over to the Chita area. In 1958 it changed the name to Àginsky Buryat and became autonomous region under the Constitution of the USSR of 1977. In June 1993 the Supreme Council of Buryatia recognized as illegal the transfer of the territory to the Chita and Irkutsk areas, but for district this decision had no consequences.

The territory is 19 000 sq. km. The population, 79 000 inhabitants (city - 32,4 %), consists mostly of Buryats, Russian, Ukrainians, Tatars etc. The Buryats are indigenous population. The average density is 3,3 persons per 1 sq. km. The main part of the population lives in the Aga river basin and along the railway. In the west, density is 1,5 person per 1 sq. km.

Buryats (former nomads) converted to the settled way of life during the years of the Soviet power. The agricultural population (81 %) prevails now. Two settlements of city type - Àginskoe and Ìîgîituó - are the important trans-shipment points on the railway for the inward cargoes. The district is divided into 3 areas, it includes 4 settlements of city type and 34 rural administrations.

Population density is 4,2 persons per 1 sq. km.

Aginskoe - settlement of city type - is the Okrug administrative centre (9300 inhabitants, 6286 km to the east from Moscow).

The climate is sharp continental (+18°C in July, -24°C in January). Precipitations are about 400 mm per year. Soils are limed frozen-taiga, gray forest soils in mountains, carbonate chestnut soils and chernozem on steppe plains. About 30 % of territory is covered with forests. The Okrug has cattle-breeding (sheep, cattle, horses); grain, forage crops.

The industry is basically connected with processing of local agricultural raw material. Logging is carried out on the west of the Okrug (100 thousand m3 per year). The timber industry is located in Ara-Il, Duldurga, and Aginskoe. The largest new construction is Orlovsky Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise (tantalum).

The east part of the Okrug is crossed with the railway. A motorway passes through Àrgaley, Àginskoe, Ìîgoituy and Zugol. In the western part of the Okrug there is a motorway Darasun - Duldurga - Khapcheranga. General extent of highways is 970 km, with hard surface - 300 km.

Aginsky-Buryat Okrug is located in the southern part of Transbaikalia, between Onon and Ingoda rivers. On the territory there are the Aga river, hence the name of the Okrug, and the Onon river.

In the northwest part the Okrug is surrounded by the Àlkhanaisky massif, the highest point of which is 1663 m. above sea level. Alkhanaisky reserve is now created here. The fauna of the reserve is various. The squirrel, hare, bear, fox, corsak, sable, muskrat, musk-deer live here.

The climate is sharp continental, severe. Soils are various; chernozem, loams and sand prevail. In the Okrug the Siberian cedar, pine, Labrador tea, birch, fir, aspen, elm, and bird cherry grow. There are more than hundreds mineral springs - arshans on the basis of which popular preventoriums "Uksakhay" and "Zymka" are created.

Lamaism is the main religion of aboriginals - a branch of the Buddhism. The Orthodoxy is distributed mostly among Russian population. They have two orthodox temples, Àginsky and Zugolsky datsans, built in XIX century. They are still operational.

The mining industry is represented by the Orlovsky Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise specializing in extraction and processing of tungsten and tantalum and the Ureisky Open-pit Mine, specializing in extraction of coal. Bakeries, confectioneries and sausage shops, meatpacking plants, dairy plants and mills represent the processing industry. The industry of building materials is represented by lime, brick and timber enterprises



Aginsky-Buryat AO I Altaisky Krai I Amurskaya Oblast I Arkhangelskaya Oblast I Astrakhanskaya Oblast
Belgorodskaya Oblast I Bryanskaya Oblast I Chelyabinskaya Oblast I Chitinskaya Oblast I Chukotsky AO I Evenksky AO I Irkutskaya Oblast I Ivanovskaya Oblast
Jewish Autonomous Oblast I Kaliningradskaya Oblast I Kaluzhskaya Oblast I Kamchatskaya Oblast I Kemerovskaya Oblast I Khabarovsky krai I Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug I Kirovskaya Oblast I Komi-Permyatsky AO I Koryaksky Autonomous Okrug I Kostromskaya Oblast I Krasnodarsky Krai I Krasnoyarsky Krai I Kurganskaya Oblast I Kurskaya Oblast I Leningradskaya Oblast I Lipetskaya Oblast I Magadanskaya Oblast I Moscovskaya Oblast I Murmanskaya Oblast I Nenetsky AO I Nizhegorodskaya Oblast I Novgorodskaya Oblast I Novosibirskaya Oblast I Omskaya Oblast I Orenburgskaya Oblast I Orlovskaya Oblast I Penzenskaya Oblast I Permskaya Oblast I Primorsky krai I Pskovskaya Oblast I Rostovskaya Oblast I Ryazanskaya Oblast I Sakhalinskaya Oblast I Samarskaya Oblast I Saratovskaya Oblast I Smolenskaya Oblast I Stavropolsky krai I Sverdlovskaya Oblast I Taimyrsky AO I Tambovskaya Oblast I The Adygea Republic I The Altai Republic I The Bashkortostan Republic I The Buryatia Republic I The Chechnya Republic I The Chuvash Rebublic I The Dagestan Republic I The Ingushetia Republic I The Kabardino-Balkaria I The Kalmykia Republic I The Karachayevo-Circassian Republic I The Karelia Republic I The Khakasia Republic I The Komi Republic I The Mari El Republic I The Mordovian Republic I The North Ossetia I The Sakha Republic (Yakutia) I The Tatarstan Republic I The Tyva Republic I The Udmurtia Republic I Tomskaya Oblast I Tulskaya Oblast I Tverskaya Oblast I Tyumenskaya Oblast I Ulyanovskaya Oblast I Ust-Ordynsky Buryatsky AO I Vladimirskaya Oblast I Volgogradskaya Oblast I Vologodskaya Oblast I Voronezhskaya Oblast I Yamalo-Nenetsky AO I Yaroslavskaya Oblast I

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